You are unique.
That’s why this app is so customisable.
Everycards — flashcards and quizzes¹ for iPhone and iPad
Learn through the two study modes: flashcards and quizzes. Use multiple slides, and all kinds of media types.

Not just bilingual but truly multilingual. Learn languages the way polyglots do.


For bilinguals, trilinguals, quadrilinguals…
Record your voice in the built-in recorder² with our Best Take™ feature.
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Add new translations while keeping previous ones, all with the tap of a button!
Autoplay audio and text-to-speech.
Use separate languages for card contents and their names.

Every card is unique. As is every person.
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Adjust font size on the cards and on the user interface separately.²
Dark Mode, high contrast, bold and coloured² text available.
Works in both vertical and horizontal.

Everything is in your hands.
Cards are only stored on your device.
Unless you choose to share them.
Internet outage?
Not a problem. Study offline.
No registration necessary.
Start learning as soon as you download Everycards.
Share your cards as you like.
They’re just files.
Which means you can send them via email, messenger or save them directly to the cloud.

Make cards with your friends. Preparing for exams is faster together.
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¹ Also called multiple choice or objective response.
² In-app purchase required. Free trial available.
Photos by Andrea Piacquadio, Monstera Production, Polina Tankilevitch, Julia M Cameron from Pexels, Google Art Project.